Hatha - in the style of Swami Sivananda

1 hr. & 15 minutes in length. This class is comprised of 12 basic asanas or poses of yoga. Each pose is meant to open energy channels in the body, which run parallel to the human endocrine system. This class begins with pranayama or breathing exercises, leading into surya namaskar or sun salutations, then going into the 12 poses of yoga, and ending with relaxation. This format can be adjusted to fit any level of practitioner, from beginner to advanced. 


1 hr. & 15 minute- 1 hr. & 1/2  in length. This class is comprised of Vinyassa inspired sequences of that move from a slow to moderate or vigorous tempo (varying on the individual).  Pranayama, or breathing techniques designed to increase and sustain energy in the body are combined with fluid movement in order to build and cultivate strength. The exploration of dynamic postures and inversions are also encouraged. This class is designed for any level of practitioner, from beginner to advanced.

Free Movement

Another way of increasing body awareness, balance, and strength, is through the practice of classical ballet & free movement exercises. Dance is also a wonderful expressive outlet! Can be added to any class!